Title: Professor, Hab. Dr.
Family name:
First name: Bronislovas
Date of birth: November 12, 1951
Place of birth: distr. Kupiškis, Lithuania
Nationality: Lithuanian
Citizenship: Lithuanian
Marital status: Married, wife Laima, two sons
Languages: Lithuanian (mother tongue), Russian, English; German and French (poor)
Home address: Taikos 239-20, LT-05213 Vilnius, Lithuania; Tel. +370-5-2462024
Permanent official address: Vilnius University Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy,
A.Goštauto 12, LT-01108 Vilnius, Lithuania
Home page:
Tel. +370-5-2620859; Fax +370-5-2125361; E-mail: kaulakys at itpa dot lt

Education and degrees:

1970-1974: Department of Theoretical Physics of Vilnius University
1974-1977: Department of Quantum Optics of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
1977: Graduation with honours diploma
1977-1980: Post-graduate course at Institute of Physics, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
1980: PhD in Physics. PhD advisor Prof. Dr. L. Presnyakov, P. Lebedev Institute of Physics, Moscow
1994: Habilitated Doctor of Physical Sciences (Dr.Sc. in Physics)


1977-1984: Junior Research Fellow at the Institute of Physics, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
1984-1989: Senior Research Fellow
[11.1990-06.1992 and 04-07.1997 Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at I. Physikalisches Institut der Universität Giessen, Giessen, Germany, Hosts: Prof. Dr. A. Scharmann and Prof. Dr. G. Hermann]
1994-present: Head Investigator
1989-present: Head of Department of the Theory of Processes and Structures, Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy
1992-present: Council Chairman of the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy
1996-present: Professor of Vilnius University
1997-present: President (1994-1997: Vice-president) of the Conference of Chairmen of Senates and Councils of the Lithuanian Universities and State Institutes
1996-present: Vice-president of Lithuanian Association of Nonlinear Analysts
1997-present: Editor of Journal Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control
2002-present: Editor of Lithuanian Journal of Physics
1999-2000: Lithuanian State Fellowship of Highest Degree for Distinguished Scientists
2003-2008: Member of Science Council of Lithuania (1999-2003 Expert)
2007-: Lithuanian National Science Prize

The field of research is theoretical physics, i.e., physics of highly excited or Rydberg atoms, physics of atomic collisions, broadening and shift of spectral lines, diffusive and kinetic processes, chaotic dynamics of classical and quantum systems, problem of measurement in quantum theory, modeling and theory of 1/f noise (flicker noise), econophysics, physics of finance and physics of risk.

Publications: More than 190 research publications, including 66 journal papers, 25 papers in Conferences Proceedings and 100 Conferences Reports.

Total citation index of publications according to Science Citation Index is more than 480.

Main publications of Prof. Dr. Sc. Bronislovas KAULAKYS (1979 - 2004)

  1. Kaulakis B. P., Presnyakov L. P. and Serapinas P. D. On the possibility of studying autoionization states of negative ions in terms of the broadening and displacement of the Rydberg series of neutral atoms, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., 30, p.60-63 (1979) [Engl. tr.: JETP Lett., 30, 53-55 (1980)]; PDF.
  2. Kaulakys B. Position and width of the resonance in the electron-potassium scattering from self-broadening of Rydberg states, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys., 15, p.L719-L722 (1982); PDF.
  3. Kaulakys B. Broadening and shift of Rydberg levels by elastic collisions with rare-gas atoms, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys., 17, p.4485-4497 (1984); PDF.
  4. Kaulakys B. Analytical expressions for cross sections of Rydberg-neutral inelastic collisions, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys., 18, p.L167-L170 (1985); PDF.
  5. Kaulakys B. P. Free electron model for inelastic collisions between neutral atomic particles and Rydberg atoms, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., 91, p.391-403 (1986) [Engl. tr.: Sov. Phys.- JETP, 64, 229-235 (1986)]; PDF.
  6. Kaulakys B. and Cižiunas A. A theoretical determination of the diffusion-like ionisation time of Rydberg atoms, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys., 20, p.1031-1038 (1987); PDF.
  7. Kaulakys B. and Švedas V. Collisional ionisation of high-Rydberg atoms. Diffusive mechanism, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys., 20, p.L565-L570 (1987); PDF.
  8. Gontis V. and Kaulakys B. Stochastic dynamics of hydrogenic atoms in the microwave field: modelling by maps and quantum description, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys., 20, p.5051-5064 (1987); PDF.
  9. Kaulakis B. P. Diffusion ionisation of Rydberg atoms due to black-body radiation, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., 47, p.300-302 (1988) [Engl. tr.: JETP Lett., 47, 360-362 (1988)]; PDF.
  10. Kaulakys B. Quasiclassical dipole matrix elements for high atomic states and stochastic dynamics of hydrogen atoms in microwave fields, J. Phys.B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 24, p.571-585 (1991); PDF.
  11. Kaulakys B. Free electron model for collisional angular momentum mixing of high Rydberg atoms, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 24, p.L127-L132 (1991); PDF.
  12. Kaulakys B., Gontis V., Hermann G. and Scharmann A. Scaling relations for the hydrogen atom in a harmonic field: classical chaos and quantum suppression of diffusion, Phys. Letters A, 159, p.261-265 (1991); PDF.
  13. Kaulakys B. and Vektaris G. Transition to nonchaotic behaviour in a Brownian-type motion, Phys. Rev. E, 52 (2), p.2091-2094 (1995); and e-print archives: abs/chao-dyn/9504009; PDF.
  14. Kaulakys B. Consistent analytical approach for the quasi-classical radial dipole matrix elements, J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Opt. Phys., 28 (23), p.4963-4971 (1995); physics/9610018; PDF.
  15. Kaulakys B. and Gontis V. Quantum anti-Zeno effect, Phys. Rev. A, 56 (2), p.1138-1141 (1997); quant-ph/9708024; PDF.
  16. Hermann G., Kaulakys B. and Mahr G. Rare-gas-induced broadening and shift of two-photon transitions to intermediate (n = 9-14) Rydberg states of atomic thallium, Eur. Phys. J. D, 1 (2), p.129-137 (1998); PDF.
  17. Kaulakys B., Grauzhinis D. and Vilutis G. Modelling by maps of two-frequency microwave ionization of hydrogen atoms, Europhys. Lett., 43 (2), p.123-128 (1998); physics/9808048; PDF.
  18. Kaulakys B. and Meškauskas T. Modeling 1/f noise, Phys. Rev. E 58 (6), p.7013-7019 (1998); adap-org/9812003; PDF.
  19. Kaulakys B., Ivanauskas F. and Meškauskas T. Synchronization of chaotic systems driven by identical noise, Intern. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 9 (3) p.533-539 (1999); chao-dyn/9906001; PDF.
  20. Kaulakys B. and Vilutis G. Kepler map, Physica Scripta 59 (4), p. 251-256 (1999); chao-dyn/9904022; PDF.
  21. Kaulakys B. Autoregressive model of 1/f noise, Phys. Letters A 257 (1-2) p.37-42 (1999); adap-org/9907008; PDF.
  22. Kaulakys B. On the intrinsic origin of 1/f noise, Microelectronics Reliability 40 (11), p.1787-1790 (2000); PDF.
  23. Ruseckas J. and Kaulakys B. Real measurements and the quantum Zeno effect, Phys. Rev.A 63 (6) 062103 (2001); PDF.
  24. Ruseckas J. and Kaulakys B. Weak measurement of arrival time, Phys. Rev.A 66 (5) 052106 (2002); quant-ph/0307006; PDF.
  25. Ruseckas J. and Kaulakys B. General expression for the quantum Zeno and anti-Zeno effects, Phys. Rev.A 69 (3) 032104, 6 pp. (2004); quant-ph/0403123; PDF.
  26. Kaulakys B. and Ruseckas J. Stochastic nonlinear differential equation generating 1/f noise, Phys. Rev. E (Rapid Communication) 70 (2) 020101 (2004); cond-mat/0408507; PDF.
  27. Ruseckas J. and Kaulakys B. Time problem in quantum mechanics and its analysis by the concept of weak measurement, Lith. J. Phys. 44 (2) p.161-182 (2004); quant-ph/0409006.
  28. Gontis V. and Kaulakys B. Multiplicative point process as a model of trading activity, Physica A A 343 p.505-514 (2004); PDF.
  29. Ruseckas J. and Kaulakys B. Quantum trajectory method for the quantum Zeno and anti-Zeno effects, Phys. Rev. A 73 (5) 052101 (2006); doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.73.052101; quant-ph/0605022; PDF.
  30. Kaulakys B., Gontis V. and Alaburda M., Point process model of 1/f noise vs a sum of Lorentzians, Phys. Rev. E 71 (5) 051105 (2005); doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.71.051105; e-Print cond-mat/0504025; PDF.
  31. Gontis V. and Kaulakys B. Long-range memory model of trading activity and volatility, J. Stat. Mech. (10) P10016 (2006); doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2006/10/P10016; physics/0606115; PDF.
  32. Kaulakys B., Ruseckas J., Gontis V. and Alaburda M. Nonlinear stochastic models of 1/f noise and power-law distributions, Physica A 365 p.217-221 (2006); doi:10.1016/j.physa.2006.01.017; cond-mat/0509626; PDF.
  33. Gontis V. and Kaulakys B. Modeling long-range memory trading activity by stochastic differential equations, Physica A 382 (1) p.114-120 (2007); doi:10.1016/j.physa.2007.02.012; physics/0608036; PDF.
  34. Gontis V., Kaulakys B. and Ruseckas J. Trading activity as driven Poisson process: comparison with empirical data, Physica A 387 (15) p. 3891-3896 (2008); doi:10.1016/j.physa.2008.02.078;; [physics.soc-ph]; PDF.

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